Greece has more than
285 archeological sites
filled with history
and myths
Diverse locations
full of mysteries
More than 150 islands
With unspoiled beaches
magnificent views
and crystal clear waters
or even cosmopolitan
with magical
and breathtaking views
All you need is a ticket!
Stunning Museum with views of the Acropolis Gorgeous museum! They have a virtual tour in english that I highly recommend, just scan the QR code at the entryway. The top floor has stunning views of the acropolis.
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5 out of 5 stars
Temple worth the trip. Guide was welcoming, informative and knowledgeable.
The Temple is interesting. View is spectacular..
. The ride to the cape is scenic. Sunset was nice. We had some cloud cover.
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5 out of 5 stars
Temple worth the trip. Guide was welcoming, informative and knowledgeable.The Temple is interesting. View is spectacular... The ride to the cape is scenic. Sunset was nice. We had some cloud cover.
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5 out of 5 stars
Great trip This was a fabulous trip. I have mobility problems and use a walker. The staff on the boat were so helpful, patient and understanding. The islands were a joy to visit. The food was really plentiful, hot and tasty. I thought it was good value and well organised.
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1 out of 5 stars
Lara PD
Худший опыт в моей жизни. Ни одного работающего контакта, прождала час и никто не появился. Звонили по всем контактам, никто не берет трубку. Может быть, тур не состоялся, но никто не ответил. Деньги не возместили, перенос не предложили, просто положили 120 евро себе в карман и сказали - это Ваша проблема. Супер! ;-) Будьте осторожны с этой компанией, она заботится только о том, чтобы наживаться на клиентах и подрывает репутацию греческой гостеприимности. В компании Viator уже сказали, что эту компанию будут тщательно проверять. Надеюсь, что Let’s book и им подобные наконец-то будут недостойны проводить экскурсии с такой клиентоориентированностью. Спасибо, что испортили день, надеюсь, мои деньги, которые Вы заработали таким способом, помогают Вам потерять других клиентов ;-) Удачи !
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1 out of 5 stars
Lara P
Very bad experience The worst experience ever! No one contacted me, no refund, they just steel my money for the tour and no emergency contact. No notification at the day before. During the day of the tour all the telephones are turned off, so we can not reach anyone . Even to ask if I can join the next stop (because I didn’t find the spot and the guide).
I just received the answer in the lunch time “no refund” - very fair )))
No offering to reschedule, no call, nothing! No client orientation
Please select the other company if you don’t want them just to steal your money!!
And I’m reading the reviews I’m not the only one!
Companies like this just spoil the reputation of Greek hospitality!
Thank you for the spoiled day, enjoy my money that you are not deserving.
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5 out of 5 stars
Like being in Portugal right at home Such a wonderful experience - like being in Portugal. The food was just wonderful - great seafood and sides. The bread is outstanding. But the service was outstanding!!! Our waitress ( from Portugal) could not have been sweeter.
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1 out of 5 stars
Raeesah d
We didnt even get to go It was horrible as we never even got to go and no one messaged us to tell us that the trip was not happening so we were at the port for 2 hours and we gave up and went home, such a big disappointment
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5 out of 5 stars
Jess P
A holiday highlight! We had a great time, appreciating the hard work that goes into making their organic wines and olive oil, as well as the attention to detail that makes their products so special! It’s also fantastic value, the tasting itself and what you can buy in the shop, very reasonable! Highly recommend and thank you so much for one of the highlights of our trip ladies! Jess & Joe
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5 out of 5 stars
Jess P
A holiday highlight! We had a great time, appreciating the hard work that goes into making their organic wines and olive oil, as well as the attention to detail that makes their products so special! It’s also fantastic value, the tasting itself and what you can buy in the shop, very reasonable! Highly recommend and thank you so much for one of the highlights of our trip ladies! Jess & Joe
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5 out of 5 stars
A truly wonderful experience We had the most wonderful experience yesterday. A fantastic informative and guided talk all about the history of the estate and how it runs today. We were then treated to a delicious meze and sampled some incredible white wine and the olive oil we have ever tasted! All set in the most beautiful land with sweeping fields of vines and a real sense of peace and Mother Earth.
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5 out of 5 stars
A truly wonderful experience We had the most wonderful experience yesterday. A fantastic informative and guided talk all about the history of the estate and how it runs today. We were then treated to a delicious meze and sampled some incredible white wine and the olive oil we have ever tasted! All set in the most beautiful land with sweeping fields of vines and a real sense of peace and Mother Earth.
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4 out of 5 stars
kentro prolipsis
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5 out of 5 stars
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2 out of 5 stars
Sarah G
Kann man sich sparen Pure Massenveranstaltung. Das Boot bringt einen nur zum Vulkan. Der Zutritt zum Vulkan muss extra bezahlt werden. Der Aufstieg zum höchsten Punkt ist über einen Geröllweg, also gute Schuhe mitbringen und Wasser/Sonnenschutz, denn es gibt kaum Schatten auf dem Weg. Der Guide hat kaum etwas wirklich erklärt. Er war eher dafür da, die Gruppe (ca. 60 Personen) einmal hoch und wieder runter zu scheuchen. Was mir sehr negativ aufgefallen ist, dass er Touristen sogar ermuntert hat Steine/Schwefelklumpen als Souvenirs mitzunehmen! Ein "professioneller" Guide sollte so etwas niemals tun! Nach der Wanderung auf dem Vulkan ging es zu den "heißen Quellen". Handwarm trifft es eher... Man musste vom Boot runterspringen ins Wasser und ein kurzes Stück zum Ufer schwimmen um die Blasen zu sehen. 30min waren das nicht. Eher so 15min. Einmal hinschwimmen und zurück. Wer es nicht erlebt hat, hat auch nicht viel verpasst.
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2 out of 5 stars
Sarah G
Can you save yourself Pure mass event. The boat only takes you to the volcano. Access to the volcano must be paid extra. The climb to the highest point is via a scree path, so bring good shoes and water/sun protection, because there is hardly any shade on the way.The guide has hardly really explained anything. He was more there to drive the group (about 60 people) up and down once.What I noticed very negatively was that he even encouraged tourists to take stones/lumps of sulphur as souvenirs! A "professional" guide should never do such a thing! After the hike on the volcano we went to the "hot springs".Handwarm is more likely to hit... You had to jump off the boat into the water and swim a short distance to the shore to see the bubbles. It wasn't 30 minutes. More like 15min. Swim once and back.If you haven't experienced it, you haven't missed much either.
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4 out of 5 stars
Good taste of Corfu A big wrinkle at the start of my trip as the transfer bus that was supposed to pick me up never showed. Called listed tour contact number. After a few calls, the first one assured me the bus was on its way, I was directed to take a cab to the first trip stop. Cab ride cost 20 euros which I ate. But on the positive the tour manager meet me at the stop and made sure I hooked up with the tour. Rest of tour was marvelous. Good tour guide, adventuresome driving through the narrow mountain roads and crowded villages. Adequate time at each stop to explore, but not to wander too far.
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4 out of 5 stars
Joan P
Good taste of Corfu A big wrinkle at the start of my trip as the transfer bus that was supposed to pick me up never showed. Called listed tour contact number. After a few calls, the first one assured me the bus was on its way, I was directed to take a cab to the first trip stop. Cab ride cost 20 euros which I ate. But on the positive the tour manager meet me at the stop and made sure I hooked up with the tour. Rest of tour was marvelous. Good tour guide, adventuresome driving through the narrow mountain roads and crowded villages. Adequate time at each stop to explore, but not to wander too far.
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4 out of 5 stars
Less than perfect weather-still a great excursion! The weather started off greyish, and after having twice had a postponement due to wind and then a crew member's illness, we could fortunately go on our last day on the island, and when the sun came out a little we loved the spectacular scenery and water colours! Would have liked more comments/info during the trip from the skipper about eg the mining machinery, but maybe there's not much to explain. A well-organized trip, and well worth it!
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5 out of 5 stars
Great afternoon sampling wine and oil Great afternoon. Sampled some wines and oil, accompanied by some food. Good tour and the lady who took it was excellent. An extremely beautiful way to spend an afternoon
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5 out of 5 stars
Nice visit Short but sweet visit to the Theotoky vineyard. Two lovely women took good care of us and explained everything. The wine and olive oil were very nice.
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5 out of 5 stars
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4 out of 5 stars
AMAZING!! Fantastic day out and we got to see some stunning views as well.
Just be prepared for a very long day but definitely worth it :D
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4 out of 5 stars
AMAZING!! Fantastic day out and we got to see some stunning views as well. Just be prepared for a very long day but definitely worth it :D
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5 out of 5 stars
Excellent half day trip This tour delivered everything as promised. It was great value for money, all the timings were accurate, snacks were delicious, included drinks were great and the swimming was wonderful. My adult children swam with goggles but as mum I needed a noodle as well. The morning half day trip is highly recommended!
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5 out of 5 stars
Gillian B
Excellent half day trip This tour delivered everything as promised. It was great value for money, all the timings were accurate, snacks were delicious, included drinks were great and the swimming was wonderful. My adult children swam with goggles but as mum I needed a noodle as well. The morning half day trip is highly recommended!
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5 out of 5 stars
Excellent Amazing service from booking to getting off the boat.
Very well organised.
The only down side is not enough time on the islands. Felt like it would have been better to just visit Hydra and Aegina and have equal time on those.
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3 out of 5 stars
Kann man bei Regen mal machen Zunächst muss man sagen, dass alle wirklich sehr freundlich und bemüht waren. Die Tour ging allerdings nur knapp 15min, zum Olivenöl wurde nur ein Video gezeigt und anschließend gab es eine Verkostung. Dabei inklusive sind allerdings nur zwei Weißweine, der Rosé und Rotwein muss extra mit 5€ pro Glas bezahlt werden. Wie haben 30€ pP bezahlt und dann finde ich das doch sehr dürftig. Das Essen war allerdings wirklich lecker, aber natürlich auch eher ein guter Snack. Hätten wir übrigens vor Ort bezahlt, dann wären es nur 20€ pP gewesen. Man sollte aber trotzdem reservieren, vermutlich über die eigene Seite.
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5 out of 5 stars
Joep v
Meteora in a day Well organised, nothing to complain about. Meteora was really impressive. A long trip from corfu but definitely doable and worth it.
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3 out of 5 stars
Weather Conditions didn’t allow us to go out Unfortunately due to the strong winds we were unable to go out for the boat trip. The company however communicated with us well and we received a full refund.
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3 out of 5 stars
Weather Conditions didn’t allow us to go out Unfortunately due to the strong winds we were unable to go out for the boat trip. The company however communicated with us well and we received a full refund.
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5 out of 5 stars
Margarita V
Sitio inolvidable viaje muy cansado Meteora es un sitio único, la mejor forma de verlo sería en dos días pernoctando allí pero en nuestro caso no era posible y decidimos coger la excursión de un día. Nuestro hotel estaba en Sidari por lo que fuimos en el coche de alquiler a Corfu donde escogimos una de las paradas. Salimos a las 4.15 de la mañana, el bus llegó 10 minutos después de lo previsto (avisan con margen para que la gente sea puntual), todo muy bien, tuvimos una avería en el bus y lo solucionaron muy rápido por lo que no perdimos el ferry. Vimos amanecer en el ferry y después 2h y 20 minutos desde Igoumenitsa hasta Kalambaca. Allí paran 20 minutos para souvenirs y baño y vamos a los monasterios. No vimos el gran meteoron porque estaba saturado de gente pero la guía de inglés nos dio muy buenas explicaciones sobre los dos que vimos, Varlaam y Santa Barbara. Sólo da tiempo a ver dos, nos bajan a Kalambaca a comer (nosotros llevamos nuestros propios sandwiches) y el viaje de vuelta se hace muy muy largo, llegamos al hotel destruidos. Pero en general los guías y la organización un 10, si vas tú solo entre ferry, peajes, gasolina, parkings y el cansancio del viaje ya compensa lo que cuesta.
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5 out of 5 stars
Carolyn E
Must do your in Milos. Must do in Milos.
This was just brilliant. Staff were so friendly. We got to see the island from angles we wouldn’t see by car. We forgot our snorkelling gear and were so happy to find out that they had done on the boat. My 15 yr old twins loved it. There was all ages on the boat.
I’m not a water/boat person but just loved this tour.
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5 out of 5 stars
Ivan H
Todo perfecto Nos recogieron y nos trajeron al hotel con tiempo. Experiencia completa. La visita a las cuevas; baño en Antipaxói… la mar en calma y un ambiente excelente gracias a la tripulación. Comimos en Paxos. Sitio increíble.
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4 out of 5 stars
Robin T
A Great experience - amazing views of the Caldera. Amazing views of the caldera and cliff top houses from the boat journey and volcano itself. The order of our trip changed starting with the hot springs swim and then onto the volcano. History of Volcano’s eruptions and islands evolution is provided. Take a towel and wear your swim clothes ready for the plunge (or steps) into the sea. Only limited changing areas on board, but drinks available to buy on the boat. A few places of shelter on the island but intensely hot in summer. Wear trainers as path is mainly small rocks and stones. Very good value for money. 5 Euros each for volcano entrance.
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4 out of 5 stars
Robin T
A Great experience - amazing views of the Caldera. Amazing views of the caldera and cliff top houses from the boat journey and volcano itself. The order of our trip changed starting with the hot springs swim and then onto the volcano. History of Volcano’s eruptions and islands evolution is provided. Take a towel and wear your swim clothes ready for the plunge (or steps) into the sea. Only limited changing areas on board, but drinks available to buy on the boat. A few places of shelter on the island but intensely hot in summer. Wear trainers as path is mainly small rocks and stones. Very good value for money. 5 Euros each for volcano entrance.
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5 out of 5 stars
Best tour for value We couldn’t believe it was €45! The crew was very chill and friendly. We enjoyed swimming in the bay. They gave us enough time and provided pool noodles and swimming googles. There was good amount of snacks and water/frappés. At the bag, they fed fish so you can see the fish with swimming googles. It was definitely one of my favourite highlights of my trip! Do it!!!!
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5 out of 5 stars
Jan B
Awesome experience, so much fun! We were treated like royalty!! So many new friends, Greeks know how to party!! We saw 3 islands and heard so much about the history.
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2 out of 5 stars
Wine tasting were not so professional Wine tasting were not so professional, we have tested 6 different wines but we had only one glass for testing. We liked the location.
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2 out of 5 stars
Bulent K
Wine tasting were not so professional Wine tasting were not so professional, we have tested 6 different wines but we had only one glass for testing. We liked the location.
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5 out of 5 stars
Bassem Slaimi
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5 out of 5 stars
Joan Estruch Rovira
Tot molt controlat i ordenat. Molt bé la coordinadora enviante un Whatzapp hores abans i el guia, l'Horacio, molt bé.
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5 out of 5 stars
Janice L
Loved the reasonably priced boat tour! The operators were really friendly and funny. The food were simple apps and the frappés were good! For this price and experience, I would go again when I visit !
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5 out of 5 stars
Nada Nabil
It was great
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5 out of 5 stars
Michael F
Excellent Beautiful and the people were great! Wine and olive oil were delicious. Got there early and they were great about it. Three more words.
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5 out of 5 stars
Lohnenswerte Weinprobe Sehr gut organisierte und interessante Weinprobe mit guten Häppchen als Begleitung. Man sollte auch die Möglichkeit des hervorragenden Abendessens im Anschluss mit atemberaubendem Blick über die Berge aufs Meer nutzen.
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5 out of 5 stars
norma p
Cosa farà a Corfu oltre al mare Un viaggio nel tempo preciso e molto bello. La nostra guida Lia è stata molto brava e delicata nel seguirci durante la passeggiata. Ottimo modo per far conoscere ai più piccoli usi e costumi di altri tempi
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5 out of 5 stars
Andre W
Action packed tour, very accommodating, helps see unique places. Very fun trip. Included boat ride to volcano, a tough hike, then a rewarding swim in the hot springs followed by a lunch break in Therassia which we otherwise would not have been able to see. Once in a lifetime experience. Crew were extremely accommodating and helped me lower my toddler son into the water when it was time to swim.
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5 out of 5 stars
Hannah F
ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE!! INCREDIBLE 🙏🏽 Had the most incredible experience with Corfu Cruises! The crew were so friendly and welcoming, went above and beyond to capture photos for us that will be cherished memories forever!
They showed us the most beautiful caves and water we have ever seen! We had an hour swimming in paradise and enjoyed a 2 hr stop in the town of Paxos where we had a delicious lunch and strolled through the picturesque town.
This is a day we will never forget and we’re so grateful for the experience with Corfu Cruises!
We would return over and over again ️
Little advice, get there early to get the best seats!
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5 out of 5 stars
Très belle sortie Excellente sortie, et de belles images en tête. Le personnel à bord était adorable, nous avons passé une superbe journée
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1 out of 5 stars
Poor Customer Service Cancelled our trip less than 24h before departure. Was notified by email and was given no reason for the cancellation. Was not offered any alternative arrangements meaning the final day of our holiday was wasted as we could not book onto any alternative with such short notice.
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1 out of 5 stars
Poor customer service Cancelled a boat trip via email with no reason less than 24h before pickup for the last day of our holiday. Offered no alternative meaning the final day was wasted.
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1 out of 5 stars
Jamie L
Poor Customer Service Cancelled our trip less than 24h before departure. Was notified by email and was given no reason for the cancellation. Was not offered any alternative arrangements meaning the final day of our holiday was wasted as we could not book onto any alternative with such short notice.
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1 out of 5 stars
Jamie L
Poor customer service Cancelled a boat trip via email with no reason less than 24h before pickup for the last day of our holiday. Offered no alternative meaning the final day was wasted.
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2 out of 5 stars
Experience décevante. Mauvais rapport qualité prix La guide ne nous a pas trop expliqué l arrêt au temple de Poseidon. Visite trop rapide. Beaucoup d autocar. Dommage car le site est magnifique
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5 out of 5 stars
AJ Who
The guide was very helpful throughout the tour, the schedule was well timed, visiting the Meteora was specatcular, the lunch was really great, the transportation (both coach and ferry) were really good. Overall, it was a really great experience and I would definitely recommend signing up to this tour.
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5 out of 5 stars
Day spent on earthly paradise Amazing experience Breathtaking views Special thanks to the tour guides Victoria and Helen who made my trip unforgettable They are very knowledgeable,caring people Their energy and sense of humor are contagious Thank you very much I will cherish the memories about this trip. Natalia Canada Vancouver
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5 out of 5 stars
Martina D
Tour consigliatissimo :-) Tutto benissimo, esperienza molo positiva sotto ogni punto di vista: organizzazione impeccabile e panorama mozzafiato.
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4 out of 5 stars
Laurence G
Beau tour, mais moins bon service Les vues étaient belles et le tour en général était bien! Par contre, c’est impossible de se rendre à la plage en autobus et les taxis sont cher. Nous avons organisé un transfert avec la compagnie qui nous avaient confirmé que l’on pouvait payer en carte alors qu’ils nous ont refusé le matin même. Nous avons presque été renvoyé de l’activité si un couple ne nous avaient pas prête de l’argent papier. Service ordinaire, mais belle expérience. L’activité coûte moins cher (environ 15 euros) si elle est acheté sur place au lieu d’en ligne à l’avance.
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5 out of 5 stars
Tony Y
Really great experience with really great guide, transport and schedule! The guide was very helpful throughout the tour, the schedule was well timed, visiting the Meteora was specatcular, the lunch was really great, the transportation (both coach and ferry) were really good. Overall, it was a really great experience and I would definitely recommend signing up to this tour.
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5 out of 5 stars
Fekete Dániel
Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat! A kapitány és a személyzet nagyon jó hangulatot teremtett! Legközelebb itt járunk jövünk még!
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5 out of 5 stars
Sandrine B
A découvrir La casa parlante est vraiment à découvrir, très authentique et l’accueil est parfait et francophone ! Les hôtesses sont adorables, très souriantes et agréables. Des visites en français sont organisées.
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5 out of 5 stars
Cindy Stone
Tour to Meteora, great well organised tour Metaora is stunning a Nd a must see.Our pick up transport guide Yiannis was fantastic,very informative and helpful great to travel to Kalabaka.A very pleasant trip!
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5 out of 5 stars
Bénédicte Larralde
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5 out of 5 stars
Niki S
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5 out of 5 stars
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1 out of 5 stars
Alessandro Biondi
Pay attention: this company is reselling services at more than double the actual price.
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5 out of 5 stars
Ryan H
Shout out to Spuros “Amazing” staff member!! Spuros should be noted first, he’s a fantastic member of the staff. The kindest one on the ship, hehelped us with everything and told us different key points about the islands. Must do trip when visiting Greece it was amazing to see all the islands, as well as enjoying the ship! Had a wonderful time!
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5 out of 5 stars
Shout out to Spuros “Amazing” staff member!! Spuros should be noted first, he’s a fantastic member of the staff. The kindest one on the ship, hehelped us with everything and told us different key points about the islands. Must do trip when visiting Greece it was amazing to see all the islands, as well as enjoying the ship! Had a wonderful time!
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4 out of 5 stars
Una bella esperienza Un posto molto bello con una terrazza incredibile vista tramonto. Menu fisso sempre diverso con materie prime di qualità. Molti prodotti della stessa fattoria. Grande cortesia e gentilezza. Da provare
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4 out of 5 stars
bcp d'attente pour la descente moyen de transport utile avec cette forte chaleur pour accéder a u port de Fira au pied de la falaise. Nous sommes descendues à pied et remontées en télécabines : prévoir 1litre d'eau par personne car elle est vendue à prix d'or en bas !!
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5 out of 5 stars
A wonderful experience!! The music, dancing, and costumes were excellent!! This performance felt very authentic, and the audience could tell that the dancers loved their work. The theater is outdoors amidst beautiful trees. It is an easy Uber ride away from the center of town.
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5 out of 5 stars
Laurie P
A wonderful experience!! The music, dancing, and costumes were excellent!! This performance felt very authentic, and the audience could tell that the dancers loved their work. The theater is outdoors amidst beautiful trees. It is an easy Uber ride away from the center of town.
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2 out of 5 stars
John A
Good places, bad experienced in history. The places visited on the tour were very good. Quite comprehensive for a half-day tour that we took. However, the tour guide who provided the explanations had a complete lack of knowledge about the history and content of the tour. 90% of the time, she talked about operational matters regarding how to walk and be careful with what we did, and only 10% of the time, she explained the monuments, their history, and other details.
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2 out of 5 stars
Good places, bad experienced in history. The places visited on the tour were very good. Quite comprehensive for a half-day tour that we took. However, the tour guide who provided the explanations had a complete lack of knowledge about the history and content of the tour. 90% of the time, she talked about operational matters regarding how to walk and be careful with what we did, and only 10% of the time, she explained the monuments, their history, and other details.
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4 out of 5 stars
Hot and crowded but an amazing experience! All went well. Very crowded but organized. Had tix for 8 am and it was perfect as it hot much busier as we were leaving. Went to museum after which was also worth a visit.
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5 out of 5 stars
Michael P
Trip to Meteora from Ioannina (return) Giannis was an absolute legend! Hands down, the best tour guide we’ve had. He went above and beyond what you’d expect from a tour guide, he drove us from Ioannina to Meteora, where we joined up with a local tour which had an itinerary of 3 monasteries (Grand Meteoron, Agia Barbara, and Varlaam). On the way there, he gave us a comprehensive overview of the local history, pointed out key sites along the route and persevered whilst we practiced our Greek with him. Shortly after the tour, Giannis met us back at the travel office in Kalambaka (the village closest to Meteora), from there he added a few extra pit stops on the way back to Ioannina, including the incredible wax museum in Ioannina and the ticket office where we needed to buy our bus tickets for the next day.
Please don’t hesitate to book with them.
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5 out of 5 stars
Hugo L
Balade en bateau Très bonne balade avec deux endroits où pouvoir nager. Un apéro vous est servi à la fin du 2eme arrêts. Équipage très sympathique Très bon rapport qualité prix
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5 out of 5 stars
Lisa P
Do not miss this! Found this trip last minute and it was fantastic. Went with my family (11 and 13 yr old) They loved it. The views were breathtaking, the swimming through the cave was such a cool experience. Loved jumping off the boat. (No worries there is also a ladder) snorkels and floaties were provided also a nice snack. Do not miss out on the iced coffee, the barista makes it with love.
I would highly recommend for all ages.
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2 out of 5 stars
aurore s
Bof Excursion, volcan , eaux chaudes et Thirassia , le volcan est non seulement payant (5€ par personne en plus du prix de l’excursion) On marche dans la montagne au pic du soleil , nous avons tout juste le temps de monter et descendre , le volcan en lui même n’a aucun intérêt mais j’avoue que la vu depuis le sommet et spectaculaire !
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5 out of 5 stars
Perfect cooking experience! Had an amazing day of cooking lessons at Karimalis today! Eleni inspired us all in helping us make Ikarian pies (including the filo pastry from scratch), soufiko (an Ikarian vegetable dish), and fava… also got to to try other yummy things. Ate everything we prepared on a beautiful terrace looking out over the vineyard to the sea. Eleni, George (who gave us lots of info on the Ikarian diet) and their helpers are all so lovely and helpful. A great way to spend a day on Ikaria!
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5 out of 5 stars
Lovely boat tour Loved the trip, easy to find the location and everything was on time. The crew was great and friendly! The views and water was amazing ! Also loved the snacks :)
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5 out of 5 stars
Perfect cooking experience! Had an amazing day of cooking lessons at Karimalis today! Eleni inspired us all in helping us make Ikarian pies (including the filo pastry from scratch), soufiko (an Ikarian vegetable dish), and fava also got to to try other yummy things. Ate everything we prepared on a beautiful terrace looking out over the vineyard to the sea. Eleni, George (who gave us lots of info on the Ikarian diet) and their helpers are all so lovely and helpful. A great way to spend a day on Ikaria!
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5 out of 5 stars
Lovely boat tour Loved the trip, easy to find the location and everything was on time. The crew was great and friendly! The views and water was amazing !
Also loved the snacks :)
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2 out of 5 stars
aurore s
Bof Excursion, volcano , warm waters and Thirassia , the volcano is not only paying (5€ per person on top of the excursion Award) We walk in the mountains at the peak of the sun , we just have time to go up and down , the volcano itself has no interest but I admit that the view from the summit and spectacular!
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4 out of 5 stars
Diana F
Well worth it The views were amazing and staff helpful. Goggles/snorkel provided at swim spots were a great addition, as were the snacks provided. Good boat too. Would definitely recommend.
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5 out of 5 stars
Alison T
4 days / 3 nights of Ancient Greek History and Mythology Our trip was a summary of ancient Greek history. Our guide, Fontini, was extremely knowledgeable and included many stories and anecdotes. She really made the tour special
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5 out of 5 stars
4 days / 3 nights of Ancient Greek History and Mythology Our trip was a summary of ancient Greek history. Our guide, Fontini, was extremely knowledgeable and included many stories and anecdotes. She really made the tour special
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5 out of 5 stars
Deon S
An Archaeological / Museum Experince You Should Not Miss The tour of the archaeological site and museum was a great combination, and the amount of artefacts preserved is impressive. I would have actually given this tour a 4 star review, but I gave it 5 because I paired this up with a company called Olympia Back in Time that offer you a VR experience! This way not only did I see the ruins, but when placing the VR goggles on, you get to see what it was like back in ancient Greece.
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5 out of 5 stars
Kai V
Breathtaking location for an inspiring cooking lesson Breathtaking location for a cooking lesson learning how to cook organically in the traditional Ikarian way. Eleni and George guide you through an engaging, thought provoking and fascinating journey through traditional Ikarian cuisine. You lean by listening, watching and active participation; and finally you test your newly found skills with an amazing lunch on their incredible terrace with views down to the sea. So much to learn, enjoy and reflect upon.
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5 out of 5 stars
Breathtaking location for an inspiring cooking lesson Breathtaking location for a cooking lesson learning how to cook organically in the traditional Ikarian way. Eleni and George guide you through an engaging, thought provoking and fascinating journey through traditional Ikarian cuisine. You lean by listening, watching and active participation; and finally you test your newly found skills with an amazing lunch on their incredible terrace with views down to the sea.
So much to learn, enjoy and reflect upon.
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5 out of 5 stars
Daniel S
Great Day on the Water Great trip. Would recommend to anyone visiting Milos. The boat trip was fine, we sat up top, and found this a great vantage point for views. Drinks and food provided with two epic swimming spots (1hr and 30 min respectively). I think this duration was perfect, and the morning trip ideal, as the wind can pick up in the afternoon. We brought our own snorkel, but these are also provided. Having read all the negative reviews prior, I think some people are a bit precious. It’s a great overall trip, and is very competitively priced.
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4 out of 5 stars
Sabrina M
Anstrengendes Programm, aber allemal wert! Meteora ist auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert! Die schwebenden Klöster sind einfach faszinierend! Die Tour war gut organisiert und man hat auf der Reise sehr viele interessante Informationen erfahren. Zwei Kloster wurden besichtigt und die Führungen wurden auf verschiedenen Sprachen durchgeführt. Einziger Nachteil für uns war, dass unser Hotel nicht im Einzuggebiet lag und wir selbstständig anreisen mussten. Das Problem dabei war nur, dass wir zu einem der ersten Abholpunkte bestellt wurden und somit noch 1,5 Stunden herumfuhren, um alle Gäste abzuholen. Da wäre es uns lieber gewesen, gleich zur Fähre zu kommen. Ansonsten eine Top-Veranstaltung!
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5 out of 5 stars
Nice tour Nice tour of the winery and cellar, with tasting of two wines and olive oil accompanied with a selection of tomatoes, olives, salami, feta cheese and bread.
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5 out of 5 stars
Fredrik B
Nice tour Nice tour of the winery and cellar, with tasting of two wines and olive oil accompanied with a selection of tomatoes, olives, salami, feta cheese and bread.
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5 out of 5 stars
Great way to celebrate! We really enjoyed our trip! This was a family celebration; so, we went all out and booked the Executive VIP package. We had access to the VIP lounge, but also had our own luxury room with sitting room, bedroom, and bathroom. (It had an amazing shower.) We also had a reserved section of the deck which was lovely. Costas, Madonna, and Georgina took great care of us to make sure we enjoyed our tours and had all the food and drinks we wanted. We were able to fully enjoy the cruise.
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5 out of 5 stars
Full day cruise Lovely day, sailing.swimming and food was delicious . Don't forget your swimming shoes. Water & soft drinks free & alcohol available to buy on board.
Very friendly family run excursion.
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5 out of 5 stars
Full day cruise Lovely day, sailing.swimming and food was delicious . Don't forget your swimming shoes. Water & soft drinks free & alcohol available to buy on board. Very friendly family run excursion.
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5 out of 5 stars
Maria M
Great choice for a half day excursion for a family with kids. Beautiful photos on this great trip. We stopped in two places and swam for a decent amount of time at Kleftiko. Yummy snacks and Freddos as well. It was a windy day but all well.
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5 out of 5 stars
Neo L
For swimmers best time summer & Spring or autumn for lazing around as it’s cooler Wonderful place to swim snorkel or just taking your time to watch the sea with great photos. Smooth big rocks to be careful as wet maybe slippery. Canoeing is part of a water sport. There’s public buses from town to some other places for various activities or just shopping around.
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5 out of 5 stars
For swimmers best time summer & Spring or autumn for lazing around as it’s cooler Wonderful place to swim snorkel or just taking your time to watch the sea with great photos. Smooth big rocks to be careful as wet maybe slippery. Canoeing is part of a water sport. There’s public buses from town to some other places for various activities or just shopping around.
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2 out of 5 stars
Maria C
Disappointed This tour is nothing like the pictures they advertise. The boat is grimy and tired many people smoking and overcrowded.
The time on each of the islands are ridiculously short by the time you get off the boat with a couple hundred people you have to get back on.
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2 out of 5 stars
Disappointed This tour is nothing like the pictures they advertise. The boat is grimy and tired many people smoking and overcrowded. The time on each of the islands are ridiculously short by the time you get off the boat with a couple hundred people you have to get back on.
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1 out of 5 stars
GetYourGuide traveler
the initial interface with Let's Book Travel (Athina) was prompt, professional and helpful. We paid an extra fee for private transfers to/from the cruise port. Our first driver was 15 minutes late, appeared to have no clue on the best route to the drop off point and we ended up being more than 30 minutes late, making all other guests late and understandably frustrated. Our second driver was 35 minutes late to collect us as he went to the wrong address (how???). The driver was a good guy and apologetic for his mistake. However, when I contacted the supervisor from Go Tours as to when the late transport would arrive, he was unprofessional, unhelpful, unaccountable and suggested I take my frustration out with the driver. This supervisor is an absolute hack. first hour on the tour bus is a waste of time. Minimal value in this element. tour group size is far to big. Tour guide was good but his dialogue needed to be far briefer, particularly in 40 degree sun on the Acropolis hill.
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3 out of 5 stars
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1 out of 5 stars
Claire O
Be very aware before you book Don’t waste your money. Charged 42€ each for bus and ferry return with an orgnaised trip. Got on the packed ferry, advised it was a further 35€ each for the trip and 15€ to come home if you didn’t do the trip. Albania itself is ok, people not very friendly though, and you need their currency. Omg coming back was horrific. Ferry overcrowded and when we got to port we have to wait over an hour in the heat to get through passport control. It was royal carnage. We’re due to get back at 7pm and it was 9pm. Ionian Cruise got this trip very wrong.
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5 out of 5 stars
Excellent trip Booked this trip via our hotel. Coach to Kassiopi picked us up from our resort. Beautiful relaxing boat trip over to Corfu Old Town. Landmarks pointed out on the way by the Captain. Bit of shopping, wandering round and a lovely meal then a night trip back to Kassiopi. Very well organised. Definitely need an extra layer on the boat back!!
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5 out of 5 stars
Dawn L
Excellent trip Booked this trip via our hotel. Coach to Kassiopi picked us up from our resort. Beautiful relaxing boat trip over to Corfu Old Town. Landmarks pointed out on the way by the Captain. Bit of shopping, wandering round and a lovely meal then a night trip back to Kassiopi. Very well organised. Definitely need an extra layer on the boat back!!
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2 out of 5 stars
Wrong ticket Tripadvisor/Viator sent me the wrong ticket. It was labeled for the Acropolis, but it was not an Acropolis ticket. Had to get in line and buy a ticket on site.
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5 out of 5 stars
Brittany M
A perfect afternoon! My group and I loved this tour. I have a new appreciation for olive oil and truly worry about how I’ll survive without the one we tasted here. The “snack” provided was a perfect lunch meal for my friends and I. The grounds were beautiful and they give you time to explore afterwards. The wine was wonderful, the atmosphere is perfect, and it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. Our tour guide, Stafania shared her knowledge and passion. She truly made the experience!! Thanks for wonderful memories, I would highly recommend this! My group and I loved this tour. I have a new appreciation for olive oil and truly worry about how I’ll survive without the one we tasted here. The “snack” provided was a perfect lunch meal for my friends and I. The grounds were beautiful and they give you time to explore afterwards. The wine was wonderful, the atmosphere is perfect, and it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon. Our tour guide, Stafania shared her knowledge and passion. She truly made the experience!! Thanks for wonderful memories, I would highly recommend this!
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2 out of 5 stars
Voor deze kostprijs mag er meer verwacht worden. Het was een zeer korte rondleiding gevolgd door het proeven van 2 witte wijnen maar zonder veel zorg. Ook de olijfolie met een stukje brood had niet veel te vertellen. Kan beter.
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4 out of 5 stars
June visit A really informative tour. Guide was lovely . Small tour groups too which we loved. Got a small treat at the beginning and a shot which was definitely something!
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2 out of 5 stars
adrien h
Ne pas acheter, ne coupe pas la file et le billet ne fonctionne pas à l'entrée du Musée Nous ne recommandons pas ces billets. Nous sommes arrivés au Musée, notre billet électronique coupe-file ne nous a absolument rien donné, nous avons dû faire la file. De plus, à l'entrée, notre billet ne fonctionnait pas, il n'était pas reconnu par les machines. Un peu plus et nous devions racheter un billet sur place. Heureusement, la dame à l'entrée a été empathique à notre cause et nous a finalement laissé entrer. Nous avons payé cher (plus de 40$ par personne) pour un billet qui ne fonctionne pas. Nous aurions été mieux de faire la visite avec l'Agence Athènes à pied de qui nous avons acheté le lendemain la visite de l'Acropole. Ils offrent pour le même prix une visite du Musée avec la guide.
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3 out of 5 stars
GetYourGuide traveler
Way, too many people to enjoy the experience. People cutting in front of people to get a photograph in a very rude fashion. The guide was okay, everything appeared to be rushed. It also felt as if her dialogue was longer and more engaging in some languages other than in english. The guide needed a better identifying marker, or sinage to keep the team informed of where she was. I think she used a very small face cloth type item, and she raised it up very infrequently. The radio transmitters she was using to communicate with participant carried a lot of static, making it difficult to stay engaged with her information. Her instructions to the people who were not going to return to the bus with her to return to their hotels was not very informative a number of us were confused or got lost after following what we thought she said. Maybe 2 guides are needed where large crowds are expected rather than 1 guide.
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3 out of 5 stars
The are not clear about time an place to pick up. The guide was very nice.
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5 out of 5 stars
Peter M
Cruise to Paxos Another great cruise to Paxos and Anti Paxos by my wife and daughter. Ca plain Bill and his crew were amazing. Managed to see dolphins as well
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3 out of 5 stars
Sharon B
One day cruise Like previous reviews, more time could have been spent at Hydra, Poros is a waste. The time you have on island is so limited as you cannot relax as you watching the time. The trip is long and tedious so take cards, unless you Vip, there is no wi-fi on board. The lunch was nice , but drinks and rest of food is expensive
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5 out of 5 stars
Ted S
Suspended in Air The tour we took to Meteora was wonderful! It was by far the smartest thing we did on our trip. We were picked up at our hotel and everything was terrific.
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5 out of 5 stars
Acropolis is amazing This was definitely worth seeing. TripAdvisor has a great customer service and I really appreciate that. It was super easy very organized having the tickets already.
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3 out of 5 stars
Mixed mixed opinion on this excursion: first of all we had booked it in French, a few days before, we received a message telling us that there was no French guide that day. We therefore decided to do it in English as we were unable to find a tour in French for this site that day. It was planned that we would be picked up at the hotel or nearby. Unfortunately today, cycling race and Athens closed. So it was at a run that we found our bus almost 1 km from there, with a friend who walks with a cane it wasn't easy. Great chaos getting the bus, no information, buses for all the excursions were grouped in the same place and the guides were a little overwhelmed. Finally once on the bus, the tour began, the landscapes were very beautiful. Good organization on the Delphi site and the museum. We had a reservation with lunch, a basic meal: 1 bottle of water and a dish of your choice, we chose the lamb collars which were excellent. I find that the price of the excursion is a little high compared to the services
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5 out of 5 stars
Amazing Family Day! We had an awesome time on this tour! The boat ride to the volcano was super fun, and exploring the hot springs was a hit with the kids. The best part was the stunning sunset in Oia – absolutely magical. Our guide was friendly and knew a lot about the area, making the trip even better. Highly recommend this tour for families looking for adventure and beautiful sights!
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1 out of 5 stars
Annie Christene F
Tickets do not work!!!! Do not buy We got to the acropolis and the ticket had a bar code and not a QR code. The bar code was apparently for the museum, which we did not want, so we had to walk all around looking for the correct museum. And each place we told us, so that that was not the correct code to get in.
The tickets were not good for anything and it is a total scam. Luckily the actual ticket office on site still had tickets available for a lower price later in the day.
I will be pursuing a full refund as this was a terrible experience, and we did not get anything for our money except wasted time and energy.
The official acropolis website is difficult to navigate so I suggest going early in the morning, purchasing tickets on site, and coming back at a later time to enter.
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5 out of 5 stars
Amazing Family Day! We had an awesome time on this tour! The boat ride to the volcano was super fun, and exploring the hot springs was a hit with the kids. The best part was the stunning sunset in Oia – absolutely magical. Our guide was friendly and knew a lot about the area, making the trip even better. Highly recommend this tour for families looking for adventure and beautiful sights!
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4 out of 5 stars
Wan Nurul Shuhadah binti
The group was
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1 out of 5 stars
Don’t get scammed! Headout Skip the Line is a scam. Their website will totally confuse you. It will ask you to retry, which you will do but with little success. Then later you will get an email saying you have tickets, and in my case two pairs of tickets. Unfortunately the email came after my wife and I bought tickets at the door. Contacted Headout, and they told me they had a nonrefundable policy on all tickets. So we were stuck with these tickets. Also the tickets at the door were cheaper with little or no line, and audio guide was free. Good Luck
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1 out of 5 stars
Don’t get scammed! Headout Skip the Line is a scam. Their website will totally confuse you. It will ask you to retry, which you will do but with little success. Then later you will get an email saying you have tickets, and in my case two pairs of tickets. Unfortunately the email came after my wife and I bought tickets at the door. Contacted Headout, and they told me they had a nonrefundable policy on all tickets. So we were stuck with these tickets. Also the tickets at the door were cheaper with little or no line, and audio guide was free. Good Luck
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5 out of 5 stars
Ines B
Excelente experiencia Excelente experiencia. Lástima que x la página oficial las tarjetas latinoamericanas no funcionan. El servicio x TripAdvisor fue perfecto, pero salió más caro. Y había al momento de llegar 10 personas para comprar entrada. No nos podíamos arriesgar a no conseguir
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5 out of 5 stars
Vivian K
best winery in corfu very beautiful and picturesque grounds. the wine tasting was excellent and the lunch was superb!
the hosts/tour guides were very warm and welcoming. they knew what they were talking about and spoke about the estate in a poetic and engaging way. definitely recommend!
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5 out of 5 stars
Fantastic cruise One of the most beautiful experiences. Initially I thought 10hrs would be a long time...but everything was planned in a very relaxing way. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip.
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5 out of 5 stars
Karthik B
Fantastic cruise One of the most beautiful experiences. Initially I thought 10hrs would be a long time but everything was planned in a very relaxing way. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip.
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4 out of 5 stars
Willem D
Beautiful Museum The museum is modern, well planned and laid out. Everything is beautiful and well described. The museum pieces are in great condition and depicts a lot of the magic that Ancient Greece had to offer
The only negative I have is the lack of interactivity for kids, there was only 1 small section for this. The other is a huge missed opportunity for an amphitheater type setup (or 3D room) with video of the history of Greece through the ages.
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2 out of 5 stars
Overpriced. Not recommended. This was massively overpriced.
I had thought, considering I was paying more than other tours, I would get a higher quality tour.
One of the reasons I went with this Let's Book Travel was that it offered three hours on the island be the two that other companies were offering; don't fall for this. They all use the same boat to transfer and, in reality, you've got closer to 2.5 hours, about an hour of which is tied up with the tour guide.
Our group was about thirty which was too many; the tour guide had to spend too much time trying to herd people.
All in all, this was an utter rip off. I paid close to €150 incl transfers (10-15 min drive).
The boat journey costs €25 return. The entrance fee is €8.
I am writing this as I wait for my return transfer, which is approaching an hour late (& I had to call them to find out where the ride was).
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5 out of 5 stars
Denise M
Corfù beautiful and well organized experience, a beautiful visit in the crystal clear waters of this beautiful island. super recommended
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3 out of 5 stars
Paying to see it depends on time and interest You have to pay to get in and I'm glad we didn't. It is exciting to see the ruins everywhere, but you can see most of it from outside (without paying) and also from the Acropolis. The photos taken by photographers at sunrise/sunset are great but in the middle of the day it was OK. I'm glad we didn't pay.
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4 out of 5 stars
Brett P
Good Way to Sample (not experience) the Islands The experience was positive from the start. Transportation from the hotel was on time in a comfortable vehicle. We purchased the VIP tickets which I would recommend. We went to the front of the line upon arrival at the boat and escorted to the our own booth in the lounge. The staff was very attentive and was able to accommodate my wife's dietary restrictions with both meals served on board. Cocktails are not included but were excellently prepared and reasonably priced. We did the walking tour on Hydra. The guide was very knowledgeable of the history of the island and pointed out the thing of interest. The tour is short, about an hour, a few minutes available to see the shops near the port, then back to the port. Next stop was Poros, which was really short at about half an hour to 40 minutes available. This was enough time to walk to the end of the shopping area then back to the port. I would have been fine skipping Poros and adding time to the Hydra or Aegina ports. Aegina was the last and longest stop where we took the Panoramic tour. The tour advertises 5 stops, but three of these were 2 minutes stops with no opportunity to get off the bus. You had to take pictures through the windows which weren't very clean for such photos. The is a stop at a monastery which was very nice. The second stop is when you get off the bus in the shopping area near the port. We were provided a sampling of the seafood, then escorted to a nearby pistachio store to buy to some very tasty pistachio ice cream, butter, etc.
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5 out of 5 stars
olga nik
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4 out of 5 stars
Jim C
Must see in Athens Very interesting place. If you’re into ancient history you’ll love this place. We did. I was expecting to see dinosaur bones though and was disappointed there weren’t any. (Just kidding. Or am I?)
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5 out of 5 stars
Superb day spent thanks to our guide Ephy. We found ourselves in a small group of 10 French people, which encouraged exchanges. It was passionate ! An excursion to recommend!
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2 out of 5 stars
Edward W
Our guide was very knowledgeable and shared great information about the history of Athens and what we were seeing. She did a great job, considering what she was having to deal with. We had 52 people in our group which was entirely too large, costing us more than 1 hour of our trip between waiting to get in to the museum, bathroom breaks for older people and trying to get to the Acropolis. The advertising said the tickets were pre-purchased and we would skip the line to go in, but that did not happen. Very disappointed in the amount of time it took from a logistical standpoint. The group size was entirely too large. I would not recommend this tour unless you want to feel like cattle being moved from place to place.
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5 out of 5 stars
Acropolis Incredible place, go early to avoid the crowds and the heat. I recommend wearing sturdy shoes that have soles with good grip. The walking down can be quite dangerous and witnessed a few people fall.
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5 out of 5 stars
Antonio S
VIP Tandem-Paratrike Flight in Korfu, Griechenland Ich hatte das Glück sehr schnell einen Tandem-Trike Flug machen zu können. Alles unkompliziert gebucht erhalten. Alles lief genauso, wie abgesprochen. Unser Pilot Angelos Pagiatis holte uns an der Unterkunft ab u. fuhr uns nach dem Flug auch noch nach Korfu Stadt. Der Flug war eine sehr beeindruckende und sehr schöne Erfahrung. Ich hatte den VIP Paratrike Flight gebucht, welcher 50 Min. dauerte. Es war super. Die Aussichten auf die Berge, Wälder und die traumhaften Strände waren für mich spektakulär. Die traumhaften Strände sind die Hauptattraktion des Fluges für mich gewesen. Wir flogen sogar bis auf 900 Meter für einige Zeit. Angelos und sein Partner waren sehr höflich und hilfsbereit. Beide sind ein professionelles Team. Angelos sagte, dass er auch bei Wettbewerben flog. Ich hatte zu keiner Zeit Angst, dass die beiden es nicht drauf hätten. Beide sehr coole nette Menschen, mit denen ich wieder fliegen würde. Ich denke, dass der Preis es allemale wert ist. Meiner Meinung nach ein Top Team, dem wir nur das Beste wünschen.
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1 out of 5 stars
GetYourGuide traveler
A pesar de contratar transportación privada y tour privado… el taxi nos dejó en una calle en Atenas y nadie nos recogió… llamamos por más de 1 hora a los teléfonos y nadie nos contestó ni respondió los correos o WhatsApp… nos estropearon nuestro día en Atenas :(
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5 out of 5 stars
GetYourGuide traveler
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3 out of 5 stars
Alexandra C
Tolles Museum, Ablauf der Zusendung der Tickets im Vorfeld extrem nervig. Das Museum selbst ist fantastisch, vor Ort hat auch alles geklappt. Aber vorweg ist es doch ziemlich umständlich. Man bekommt ständig Nachrichten von Tripadvisor, dass man sein Ticket herunterladen soll, auf dem PDF steht dann aber immer nur "Dies ist keine Eintrittskarte". Das eigentliche Ticket soll dann etwa 2 Tage vor der Buchung per Email kommen, das hat aber leider bei uns nicht geklappt. Über einen in der Email gut versteckten Link hat es dann funktioniert. Auf dem Ticket stand dann leider immer noch "10 Uhr" als Zeitslot, obwohl ich zuvor eine andere Zeit angegeben hatte. Wie gesagt, vor Ort hat dann alles reibungslos funktioniert, aber mit viel Aufwand im Vorfeld.
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5 out of 5 stars
Desiree A
Ancient Agora did not disappoint Tickets were emailed to us. Very easy to get in with those. Big area to walk around and explore. Structures were impressive and so was the museum.
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1 out of 5 stars
Joy B
Experience Bad experience not recommended for anyone everyone please ignore this company had my time and money wasted. Very bad experience
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1 out of 5 stars
Joy B
Experience Bad experience not recommended for anyone everyone please ignore this company had my time and money wasted. Very bad experience
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5 out of 5 stars
Refik N
A must visit Was wonderful to have a visit to one of the best museums of the world … If you are in Athens don’t miss it, and make sure to use the museum’s application to get the audio tour for the most important items detailed explanation…
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5 out of 5 stars
A must visit Was wonderful to have a visit to one of the best museums of the world
If you are in Athens don’t miss it, and make sure to use the museum’s application to get the audio tour for the most important items detailed explanation
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5 out of 5 stars
Agricultural experience I learned a lot about organic wines, and we had a great traditional dinner and a breathtaking view. An accessible winery.
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5 out of 5 stars
Agricultural experience I learned a lot about organic wines, and we had a great traditional dinner and a breathtaking view.
An accessible winery.
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5 out of 5 stars
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5 out of 5 stars
Eric B
Activité très intéressante quand on fait un voyage à Athene,un must!! Très belle visite,très bien organisé et guide très connaissant,je recommande cette activité de 11 hrs environ quand on fait un voyage à Athene
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2 out of 5 stars
Phil G
Not for the faint hearted. Unfortunately, not as described and not for the faint hearted. We weren't advised that the hotel pick up was actually 1 hour earlier than advised on the booking confirmation (8am actually turned out to be 7am). We felt pressured into gathering our things together for the day and weren't able to grab any breakfast before leaving. At the port, it busy and boarding the cruise ship was a little chaotic. The ship was delayed leaving Athens, which made the early morning rush, completely unnecessary. On board, the facilities were good and the staff friendly and attentive, but it was only halfway to our first port of call - Hydra that we realised that the tour price was just the tip of the iceberg. In order to get the most out of the 3 island visits, you needed to spend another 80-odd Euros to take part in a very short walking tour and a twilight coach trip from Aegina in a bus with tinted windows - passengers got to see next to nothing! We were taken to a lovely Cathedral which was undergoing extensive building work (again, rather pointless). There was also a significant delay entering the final port of Aegina with no explanation, which meant the sun was already going down. The buffet lunch was sub-standard, the drinks were extra and the trip was unecessarily long (over 13 hours). A further delay returning to Athens seemed to be more about selling food and drinks rather than giving passengers the choice of getting back to port after a very long day. Not recommended for families with small children (they won't last the course); some adults will struggle.
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1 out of 5 stars
Brett G
Never sent us tickets So the tour company never sent ticket. When we told them they just cancelled. So we just went on our own
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4 out of 5 stars
Worth the money, clean cruise and good food. In 12 hours, you’ll get to see three islands which is great. 1-1.30 hours per island, which is enough if you just want to walk around and visit the cafés and markets. If you want to spend time in the churches and museums the time might not be enough. The cruise offers tours on the islands - only Aegina is worth it for the view and one church. The other two are unnecessary.
Cruise is clean and convenient. The port is most easily accessed by cab from the closest metro or from your stay. Food on board is tasty and appropriately priced. The crew will keep trying to sell you stuff - photographs that they’ll take of you, VIP lounge, stuff from their store and different tours. VIP lounge is not worth it and you can get the stuff from the store on the islands at a cheaper price.
Overall good experience. Worth the money.
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4 out of 5 stars
Worth the money, clean cruise and good food. In 12 hours, you’ll get to see three islands which is great. 1-1.30 hours per island, which is enough if you just want to walk around and visit the cafés and markets. If you want to spend time in the churches and museums the time might not be enough. The cruise offers tours on the islands - only Aegina is worth it for the view and one church. The other two are unnecessary. Cruise is clean and convenient. The port is most easily accessed by cab from the closest metro or from your stay. Food on board is tasty and appropriately priced. The crew will keep trying to sell you stuff - photographs that they’ll take of you, VIP lounge, stuff from their store and different tours. VIP lounge is not worth it and you can get the stuff from the store on the islands at a cheaper price. Overall good experience. Worth the money.
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5 out of 5 stars
Wonderful full day trip! It was a beautiful day with cool air in the morning and evening but perfect as you hopped between the islands. Everyone was very kind, happy and accommodating.
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5 out of 5 stars
Kimberly M
Ancient Agora A must see site in Athens. Close to the Acropolis on a large uncrowded site. Lovely, peaceful garden walk.
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5 out of 5 stars
Athens three island excursion Oct 2023 Had a beautiful day to take an excursion to the Greek islands near Athens. We were picked up at our hotel, Athens Gate, promptly at 7:45 and driven to the port where we boarded ferry. Ferry ride to Hydra was a was comfortable. Though we have been to Greece and islands,we had never been to Hydra. Neat little island with lots of history and quaint shops.
After Hydra we stopped at Regina and Pros that were mostly closed for the season .but neat and picturesque.
During the return trip to Athens we were treated to some entertainment and Greek food .good!
At our return, we were shuttled back to our hotel.
A long day excursion was well done.
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4 out of 5 stars
Beautiful but long day During my trip to Greece I was not visiting Santorini or Mykonos. Therefore, to get a taste of the islands I booked this one-day cruise. Since it was late in the season the smaller (the Platytera) of the two boats was used. The scenery and islands were lovely. I paid for the VIP section but given the cost this may not have been worth it. Once onboard, optional island excursions were offered - one walking and one bus tour - for 28 euros. I enjoyed the day but it is very long. The cruise is 10+ hours of which less than 5 is on shore.
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4 out of 5 stars
Beautiful but long day During my trip to Greece I was not visiting Santorini or Mykonos. Therefore, to get a taste of the islands I booked this one-day cruise. Since it was late in the season the smaller (the Platytera) of the two boats was used. The scenery and islands were lovely. I paid for the VIP section but given the cost this may not have been worth it. Once onboard, optional island excursions were offered - one walking and one bus tour - for 28 euros. I enjoyed the day but it is very long. The cruise is 10+ hours of which less than 5 is on shore.
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1 out of 5 stars
Pricey and not worth it It was awful from start to finish DO NOT BOOK THIS TOUR IF YOU DONT WANT A HUGE RIP OFF. To start nothing is really included aside from the boat journey itself the islands were all under the time frame they allocated for.. even with the times all you have time for is to stroll the port harbour side which is just a tourist trap area nothing to majorly see aside from the views which could be done cheaper on a private boat. Less than 4 hours total exploration with an 8 hour boat ride..
The upselling on this was atrocious for an actual tour you'd be looking at alot extra to pay. Nothing included other than the sub par buffet which was bland beyond belief.. a previous bad review mentioned this and they claimed catering to multiple groups around the world meant they needed to accommodate I doubt the global food perspective is blandness at the expense of any actual taste.
We were offered no trip back to our accommodation so endured an additional expense and were treated rudely when asking about the return back.
If you want to waste a whole day and lose out on sightseeing which would be cheaper and more exhilarating then you should pick this trip. They try and palm off issues on the boat company which is also just milking a long petrol trip to anyone who books this.
We tried to get a small refund for the inconvenience from no lift back and they refused.
If I could ensure one thing from this it is that anyone who reads this I emplore you not to book with this trip as its clearly been overly reviewed to make it look better. I can only assume it would apply to people who just want to go to a few shops along a harbour side.
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1 out of 5 stars
Josephine H
Pricey and not worth it It was awful from start to finish... DO NOT BOOK THIS TOUR IF YOU DONT WANT A HUGE RIP OFF. To start nothing is really included aside from the boat journey itself... the islands were all under the time frame they allocated for.. even with the times all you have time for is to stroll the port harbour side which is just a tourist trap area... nothing to majorly see aside from the views which could be done cheaper on a private boat. Less than 4 hours total exploration with an 8 hour boat ride.. The upselling on this was atrocious... for an actual tour you'd be looking at alot extra to pay. Nothing included other than the sub par buffet... which was bland beyond belief.. a previous bad review mentioned this and they claimed catering to multiple groups around the world meant they needed to accommodate... I doubt the global food perspective is blandness at the expense of any actual taste. We were offered no trip back to our accommodation so endured an additional expense and were treated rudely when asking about the return back. If you want to waste a whole day and lose out on sightseeing which would be cheaper and more exhilarating then you should pick this trip. They try and palm off issues on the boat company which is also just milking a long petrol trip to anyone who books this. We tried to get a small refund for the inconvenience from no lift back and they refused. If I could ensure one thing from this it is that anyone who reads this I emplore you not to book with this trip as its clearly been overly reviewed to make it look better. I can only assume it would apply to people who just want to go to a few shops along a harbour side. AGAIN DO NOT BOOK THIS AS ITS A TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY AND A SCAM.
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5 out of 5 stars
Adrian J
A gorgeous day amid stunning scenery. We saw a lot of places we would not have been able to find ourselves and would have had to hire a car.
The weather was gorgeous and our guide was very informative except when I asked about the botany of the area. His strong point was history.
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5 out of 5 stars
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5 out of 5 stars
Hellenic Yachts
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5 out of 5 stars
Delos a Must Rosie was our tour guide. She was very knowledgeable and funny. She really made the tour. The grounds were amazing. Such history and the stories behind it was amazing. This is a must tour. Truly enjoyed.
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2 out of 5 stars
Nat K
Multi-day ticket At the moment you can only see the three rightmost columns, the block of six is framed by scaffolding... so it wasn't very clear There is a joint ticket for the 7 ancient sites in Athens for 30€, which is valid for 5 days! If I hadn't had that, I wouldn't have gone to this complex...
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4 out of 5 stars
Valentin R
Boat tour Great boat tour with different stops and activities! Very well organized and very interesting.
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5 out of 5 stars
Carla F
winery visit We were with Stefania, and the tour was great!! Delicious wine and food too! we loved it!!!
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5 out of 5 stars
Good Must do VIP on this. Very nice special room BUT they need to allow an outside deck for VIP. You cannot find a chair in crowded areas of ship. Too many people on this. Hydra is the best island and more time there would have been better.
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5 out of 5 stars
Dorie T
Good Must do VIP on this. Very nice special room BUT they need to allow an outside deck for VIP. You cannot find a chair in crowded areas of ship. Too many people on this. Hydra is the best island and more time there would have been better.
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4 out of 5 stars
Francoise L
discovery of the Santorini volcano and its history Very well conducted excursion. On Nea Kameni the geological landscape is spectacular and the guide gives us a host of very interesting explanations in very clear and perfect English.
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4 out of 5 stars
Francoise L
discovery of the Santorini volcano and its history Very well conducted excursion. On Nea Kameni the geological landscape is spectacular and the guide gives us a host of very interesting explanations in very clear and perfect English.
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5 out of 5 stars
Ann C
A Long Day In Delphi This trip was so interesting.
Our guide was both knowledgeable and helpful.
She made sure each of us had a great experience.
Delphi was awesome even with the very long bus rides.
Lunch was tasty and filling but very rushed.
The only negative was the included pick up but from out hotel.
The woman was impatient and did not want to answer any questions or explain anything.
She was extremely disorganized.
We just had to do our best and keep up.
I would recommend this one day trip. This site was well worth seeing.
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3 out of 5 stars
Vicki G
3 island cruise with pick up The cruise was very nice, but it did not allow enough time on each island. It was virtually impossible to do any exploring and get back to the boat on time. Also it would have been nice to have a printed schedule that informed passengers re how much time on and between each island. The ship's crew were wonderful and the food was good, for which I was pleasantly surprised. The pick up and drop off were far less organized and professional. The pick-up time was changed to 20 minutes earlier on very late notice the night before. I happened to check my email very early that morning and caught the change just in time, but others of the group did not. What was most concerning, however, was how we were picked up at the port on returning from the cruise. We were met at the dock and simply told by the bus supervisor to "go up there to the right." She did not wait for the group to assemble, she did not accompany us, we did not know where we were going and did not know who else was on our bus. It was dark, we did not know where we were, but had to just keep walking and walking. Finally we got to the street and looked down and happened to find some other people also wandering around and were thus able to finally locate the bus--- quite a distance from the port. Had I been alone I would have been terrified to walk around that area in pitch blackness and don' t know if I would have found the bus or gotten lost trying. Because we were put in a potentially dangerous but definitely scary situation by the bus people I cannot give the excursion a higher overall rating.
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3 out of 5 stars
Good insight - but also a bit like a coffee trip by boat and bus I was given the tour as a gift and would do it again if you don't know the islands yet, to get an impression. But the time on the islands is very, very short. The weather was fantastic. I did the walking tour on Hydras - what a beautiful island, the tour guide lives on the island and her love for the island was evident in every word she said - but you can explore the island just as well on your own, probably even more. On Poros there was delicious ice cream and on Aegina I booked the panoramic tour - next time I would probably go swimming. The food that was supposed to be served after the bus tour was so little that I went straight on... it is definitely a great option to go swimming and eat with the money. In short - you get a good insight into the islands, boating at 27 degrees is always great, but it is also a bit of a coffee trip by boat and bus.... As a woman travelling alone, it was stupid that there were no taxis waiting at the port as mentioned... better to organize that in advance!
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4 out of 5 stars
Christa J
Had a nice day The beach and caves were very beautiful, just make sure you bring water shoes. Drinking something for yourself, even though you can drink for free on the beach, is very nice. BBQ was fantastic
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5 out of 5 stars
Slay It was a Wonderful experience, there were amazing views and crystal clear swimming spots and friendly crew :)
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5 out of 5 stars
Katrina C
A must whilst in Corfu This wine tasting experience is one not to miss. Learning about the history of the winery was fascinating and we tasted some of the most beautiful wine we have ever had and of course had to buy a couple of bottles whilst we were there!
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5 out of 5 stars
Cora W
Slay It was a Wonderful experience, there were amazing views and crystal clear swimming spots and friendly crew :)
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5 out of 5 stars
Sheila C
Delightful Delphi, definitely worth the time and price of the ticket. Delightful and knowledgeable tour guide, stunning natural setting of the archeological site, and excellent choice of restaurant for lunch. The drive from Athens to Delphi afforded the opportunity to see beautiful parts of Greece and learn more about Greek agriculture.
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5 out of 5 stars
A must-visit museum! Definitely sign up for skipping the line here, so that you may enter one if the best museums the world has to offer!! Easy to navigate & so interesting!! Athens has many museums, though this one is by far, a must-visit one!!
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5 out of 5 stars
Melissa T
A must-visit museum! Definitely sign up for skipping the line here, so that you may enter one if the best museums the world has to offer!! Easy to navigate & so interesting!! Athens has many museums, though this one is by far, a must-visit one!!
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4 out of 5 stars
Very good for the price Very good communication with the staff for online reservations. There weren't very many of us at the end of September, which was nice. Very pretty spot for swimming but unfortunately there were no corals or fish. We had masks and snorkels available as well as fries. A snack was offered to us between the two diving stops. Top value for money
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5 out of 5 stars
Excellent boat trip - highly recommend. Great day cruising from Govia to Kassiopi. This is family run business, everyone is so friendly and welcoming.
There was time in kassiopi to eat and swim, then a lovely stop off at a cove to jump off the boat and swim and snorkel.
Pick up and drop off from our hotel nearby was included.
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5 out of 5 stars
Annette P
South side of Milos half day boat trip Efficient boarding, friendly staff, nice boat, stunning scenery, lovely balance of sailing, swimming, relaxing - snorkelling kit & swim aids were great, simple but tasty snacks and drinks - loads of great photo opportunities!
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5 out of 5 stars
lorna w
Excellent boat trip - highly recommend. Great day cruising from Govia to Kassiopi. This is family run business, everyone is so friendly and welcoming. There was time in kassiopi to eat and swim, then a lovely stop off at a cove to jump off the boat and swim and snorkel. Pick up and drop off from our hotel nearby was included.
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5 out of 5 stars
Annette P
South side of Milos half day boat trip Efficient boarding, friendly staff, nice boat, stunning scenery, lovely balance of sailing, swimming, relaxing - snorkelling kit & swim aids were great, simple but tasty snacks and drinks - loads of great photo opportunities!
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5 out of 5 stars
Fun tour!! Had so much fun in this trip the amount of time given to swim was great considering it was a bit chillier this day. Puntual tour and great price. Prettiest waters ever!
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5 out of 5 stars
Matthew M
Definitely a must do! The whole experience was awesome and I am glad we did it! The booking experience, the welcome, the crew, the swimming and the views were all top notch. Thank you.
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3 out of 5 stars
Good to see but many tours groups and not enough time to explore on your own. Museum is very interesting but packed with other tour groups. Not enough time exploring Delphi on your own- less than 30 mins to reach the stadium and back to rejoin the tour. Lunch is average.
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4 out of 5 stars
Reese W
Windy day with delish snacks and fun swim It was extremely windy that day so I was surprised we still went on the boat- I guess it was a big enough boat. I contacted the tour operator to arrange a transfer to the boat which was so helpful. The wind was refreshing but I should have brought another jacket. There was shade up top which was perfect. I had sooo much fun snorkeling at Kleftiko. They gave us snorkel masks and pool noodles. Perfect amount of time to swim around. Then I got a yummy cute iced coffee and they brought out grapes and breadsticks and bruschetta it was delish. And there was a bathroom on board. Such a fun day. I recommend bringing layers if it’s a windy day and holding on to your belongings!
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5 out of 5 stars
Wonderful Day Cruise We had such a lovely day cruise! We ended up booking last minute because our train to Meteora was cancelled. I didn’t know what to expect but everything exceeded our expectations. We were traveling with a baby and a toddler so we got the VIP based on other reviews. I would say that it’s definitely worth it for the extra space, ability to leave your things on board, the exceptional service, and delicious food. We felt wined and dined and the staff in the VIP section really made the trip such a special treat for us.
We really enjoyed Hydra and Aegina and opted for the Aegina panoramic tour which was beautiful-loved visiting the monastery. Poros was just okay but with only about 30 min there and not much to see, I think it would be better to either do another island or skip it and add more time to Aegina.
On the way back to Athens there was traditional Greek dancing on the upper deck which was really nice and during the trip out there was a fun DJ-people were dancing and it was such a nice atmosphere. There’s also a cute boutique on board that had nice dresses (I got two for a great price).
The food was delicious! We didn’t expect multiple courses and a plated lunch but it was so so good! The salad, main course, and orange cake were all delicious. The staff set the tables beautifully and it was such a nice part of the trip.
If traveling with young children, get the VIP for sure so you can have the unlimited water/soda/juice, dedicated staff, and your own sitting area with couch and table. Bring some games/toys to pass the time since it is a long day but our 3yo loved looking out the window at the water.
Highly recommend this tour and sincere thanks to all of the staff and crew for making it such a wonderful experience for us!
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5 out of 5 stars
saurau t
Unforgettable experience The route and the places visited are interesting, the crew members are very kind and very professional.
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5 out of 5 stars
Epirus Traveller
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4 out of 5 stars
Good way to reserve your admission to the Acropolis The tickets worked for reserving our time at the Acropolis. It was extremely crowded when we got there at 9:45 for our 10 AM ticket. I don’t know if it might be better to get there on the half hour If less people all arrive at the same time? Not sure, but very crowded.
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5 out of 5 stars
harry j
One of the highlights of the whole holiday Easy boarding with nice hosts. Stops for 30 minutes at geraka beach which was fantastic. We got out and swam to the beach and back. Snorkels and noodle floats were provided if you wanted them. We then carried on ro Kleftiko which was even more amazing. We swam through a 30m cave and back round. Free coffee on board, and snacks were provided on the way back. Would definitely do again.
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5 out of 5 stars
Jerry S
Worth Your Time and Money This Museum is definitely worth your time. It has lots of cool things from the past and very historical.